
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Calculator - Vault For Media "we", "us", and "our" is committed to maintaining customer privacy through an ethical performance culture that is based on trust, simplicity, and confidence. It is one of Calculator - Vault For Media's core principles to secure customer information while using our mobile applications "products", and provide privacy protection that is critical in maintaining trust and providing better services. Calculator - Vault For Media's individual privacy protection policy ensures the confidentiality of customer information under the defined terms and conditions below. 1 Information We Collect From You 1.1 We may collect Personal Data from you, such as your name, and e-mail address when you create an account to log in to your Account. 1.2 If you provide us feedback or contact us via e-mail, we will collect your name and e-mail address, as well as any other information included in the e-mail, to send you a re